::Hook A Brother Up…

Sunday 26 November, 2006 – Congratulations to Jeremy and Polly on tying the knot last Sunday!! It was a very touching ceremony and the lead up to it with the tea ceremonies was a great new experience for me.  I’ve never been to a tea ceremony for weddings and it was a real suprise to me when we arrived at Polly’s house. At the door we were greeted by Leo and the two brides maids.

Little did I know that Jeremy had to pass a few tests before he and the brethren entourage were allowed to see Polly. Jeremy failed to answer some of the questions correctly so each of the boys (including myself) were punished for his mistakes and were forced to eat a bean curd sushi filled with wasabi and mustard. After reducing 8 fully grown men to tears (due to the burning wasabi) we were finally allowed into the house and Jeremy met his beautiful bride Polly.

Like most asian weddings there was an abundance of food, plenty of red envelopes being passed around and a happy atmosphere all around. It was great to see the first of the Brethren to tie the knot… with more to come including my own…

Even though each of us will be starting our own families and will have other commitments, there will always be the bond of our friendship no matter where we are…  Â