
:: Halloween Howler VI

Another epic MADE Halloween party has come and gone. The ghouls, goblins, vampires and… ironman? descended on the Masonic Hall Ballroom last Saturday night to celebrate all things Halloween! Check out the photo gallery to see all the madness!

Vancouverflipbook.com was on location with a booth for people to make short videos that get turned into a flip-book. It’s a great concept and I think people had heaps of fun.









:: Halloween Howler IV

This year for Halloween we went to a function called Halloween Howler IV. As with every year, everyone got into the spirit of things and made an effort to dress up. Some of the popular costumes this year were H1N1 Disease, Michael Jackson Thriller Zombies, Mario and Luigi. This year a friend of mine came up with the idea of going as Harold and Kumar from “Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay”. We donned our orange jump suits hit the party…

Some of the more interesting costumes I came across during the night was DJ Deadmau5. I’m not sure if anyone else knew who she was, but it was a very cool costume:


There were plenty of drinks being poured, lots of moves burning up the dance floor. Kudos to the organizers of the event for a great night! Here’s a few highlights from the night:





Don’t forget to check out the gallery and please feel free to leave your comments. If you would like the photos in high resolution please email me.

Happy Halloween

This was the first year that we have got to spend Halloween in Vancouver. It’s not really celebrated much in Australia so we really didn’t think much about it other than being bombarded with the usual retail propaganda. Our apartment is two blocks away from the major pub and nightclub strip in the downtown area so there was plenty of action going on with almost every venue having Halloween themed parties. Halloween is quite a big deal in North America and everyone gets into the spirit of things and dress up in very elaborate costumes. You’ve got the usual vampires, werewolves, superheroes and witches, whereas others chose to be a bit more witty with their costumes. Some of the flesh wounds that people had created were a little TOO realistic… I saw one guy walking down the street wearing a dinosaur head and he had leather pants with the butt cheeks cut out. He called himself “Mega-sore-ass”…

Last year we went to a party in Seattle and it was definitely a case of dejavu this year… This year we decided to got to a party out in Kitsilano with some of Tash’s friends and it turned out to be quite a good night. It ended up being an open house party complete with DJ, spooky nights, token smoke machine and off course plenty of alcohol. Everyone had a pretty good time and we made friends with some pretty cool people.

This festivity is starting to grow on me… Don’t forget to check out the photo gallery for all the pics!

:: Is It A Bird? Is It A Plane…?

No… It’s Super Saaaaaaaaj! Pretty impressive shot huh? After getting dressed up for Janlyk’s Halloween party in Seattle, Tash an I decided to take some action shots. I dressed up as Clarke Kent and Tash dressed up as a police officer . As you can see from my costume I didn’t need to do much to create it, but I think the final thing was quite effective. Off course thats just a normal Superman T-shirt with my natural rippling abs and pecks bulging through! *cough cough*

Now the flying shot wasn’t as easy as you may thing it was… after multiple takes…. this is one of the many bloopers…

The party was great fun and it was nice to see everyone making a super effort. There was Batman, Firemen, Gangsters, Dracula, Little Bo Peep, Samurai’s and even an appearance from SUPER MARIO from the video game! It was a great party… Kudos to Janlyk for organizing it!