:: Delerious Moments At Work…

Today at work, as Shen and I were chatting (like we always do) she picked up a brochure from Fiji Experience. There is a photo of half of man’s face with stunned look on his eyes. She decided to fold the rest of the picture in and used it as a mask. All I can say it was friggin’ hillarious… And soon each of us just had to have a turn and I had to take photos of each of us: Murray (aka Muz), Steve, Todd (aka Toddles), Shen and myself. 





Me and Shen

It’s been a while since I’ve laughed that hard… We all looked like a bunch of looneys, but hey… after a very hard day at work-we were all feeling oh-so tired. You are allowed to act like idiots sometimes to unleash the stress…

Tash n Shen

… proves that laughter is the best medicine…